By SDG Watch Europe
The elections to the Steering Group of SDG Watch Europe were held on the 9th of June during the Annual General Assembly. SDG Watch Europe welcomes its three new Steering Group members: Manuela Gervasi of the European Environmental Bureau, Timea Tüttő of V4SDG (who replaces Agata Meysner of V4SDG on the Steering Group), and Robert Križanič of Povod (Slovenia). Congratulations to Laura de Bonfils of Social Platform and Sarah Franklyn of independent candidacy, who were re-elected as Steering Group members.
Carlos Roldán (SOLIDAR), Constantinos Machairas, Organization Earth (Greece) and GCAP, Julie Rosenkilde, Nyt Europa (Denmark); Bernhard Zlanabitnig (SDG Watch Austria), and Stephanie Ghislain (Eurogroup for Animals) are all continuing their terms as dedicated members of the Steering Group.
SDG Watch Europe and the Steering Group would like to warmly thank Marie-Luise Abshagen of the German NGO Forum on Environment and Development, who steps down following an active and dedicated two-year term on the Steering Group.
The newly elected Steering Group will now work together to steer SDG Watch Europe in implementing its five-year strategy and its wider vision for a sustainable Europe.