Assessing the quality of Voluntary National Reviews – Civil Society launches its Progressing National SDGs Implementation Report (5th Edition) on 31 March

By Forus international

Each year, United Nations Member States present their “Voluntary National Review” reports (VNRs) to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF). These reports evaluate the progress governments are making in implementing SDGs. To ensure that these reports are complete and reliable, a coalition of civil society organisations from around the world led by Cooperation Canada conducted an in-depth analysis of these reports: the Progressing National SDGs Implementation report (5th Edition), launched on 31 March. 

The joint report produced highlights the current status of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and reporting trends. How have governments addressed the growing restrictions on civic participation and civic space worldwide in their reports? How do they address the COVID-19 pandemic in their implementation of SDGs? What kind of participatory mechanisms do they build to “leave no one behind” as the SDGs promise? How do governments ensure that they remain accountable to their citizens? Do governments acknowledge the major role that civil society organisations play in the struggle for democracy, social justice, sustainable development and peace? Do they develop sufficient partnerships with them? 

The Progressing National SDGs Implementation report (5th Edition) tackles all of these issues and highlights best practices, gaps, and challenges in implementing the ambitious 2030 agenda. The fifth edition of this insightful report provides valuable insights on how civil society and other stakeholders can better be included in key global policy & decision-making processes.

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