By ALDA – European Association for Local Democracy
The research-based Climate of Change (#CoC) campaign stems from taking strong measures against Climate Change by raising awareness among young people and decision-makers about the human face of environmental disasters: climate migrants. This project is funded by the DEAR Programme from the European Commission. Focusing on human affliction by climate change is seen as a key factor in mobilising people to take Climate Action now, as the SDG 13 Climate actions suggest.
Climate Change is something complex and hard to grasp. To make it visible, the #CoC campaign focused on the narratives of migrants forced to displace because of their environmental misfortune. Such natural distress, usually happening overseas among the poorer regions, finds its linkage within richer countries’ unsustainable lifestyles.
As a result, the #CoC campaign highlights the social injustice underlying environmental disasters and those afflicted: climate migrants. To raise awareness about Climate Injustice, the CoC campaign has initiated a Debate Contest in 13 partner countries in Europe among high schools and university degrees so that students from 16 to 25 year old can fully grasp the complexity of such phenomenon by putting words publicly in such contest. National Finals are planned in May-June of 2021, and the Pan-Eu final is scheduled in November 2021.
Moreover, the #CoC Campaign is set to kick-off on 22 April, on Earth Day. At his date, each partner will share local data and articles about their actions nationally to raise awareness and take action with the #CoC framework.
Keep your eyes peeled and follow us: #ClimateOfChange | The human face of climate change