Small Towns facing global challenges of Agenda 2030 & Petition to create European Day of Memory and Welcome (3 October).
By Snapshots From The Borders
Migration is a complex and multidimensional phenomenon and a political issue which needs concrete actions taken by all levels of society. The project promotes a more effective policy coherence through a strengthened network of European border Towns directly facing migration flow. This is central to adress mobility and inequalities, build a world which leave no one behind. Critical understanding of European, national and and local authorities’ policy/decision makers and of public opinion about factors determining migration flows towards European borders, contributes to sustainable development.
Our campaign: No More Bricks in the Wall
The No More Bricks in the Wall Campaign informs European citizens about migration as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon and a political issue which needs efforts and concrete actions taken by people and organizations/networks at all levels of society. It wants to attract citizens in border areas and all around Europe both already working in solidarity with migrants and the most skeptical and critical ones.
Our Petition: Make 3rd October the European Day of Memory and Welcome
Borders areas want to raise their voices and call on all institutional levels (national & European) to implement coherent policies. People fleeing war and persecution very often do not have safe and regular alternatives to reach Europe. Only by making these solutions available urgently, people will not be forced to resort to traffickers risking their lives. By bringing voices and effective solutions from the border territories where migration is lived directly, we call for a fairer world.
In 2016 the Italian Senate established by law that the date of 3 October would be the Day of Memory and Welcome, to be celebrated every year to remember and commemorate all the victims of immigration and to promote awareness and solidarity initiatives. It is time we introduce this day in entire Europe.
Since 3 October 2013, over 17,900 migrants and refugees have died or are missing in the Mediterranean Sea. While 2016 was the most lethal year, with 5,096 people who lost their lives in a desperate attempt to find salvation in Europe. In 2018 one out of every 18 people who crossed the Mediterranean heading to Europe lost his/her live: an unacceptable human cost and an unacceptable human statistic.
The 3rd of October will be a day to commemorate and reflect on these human losses; a day where wrong policies confront our individual and European values which should always stand higher. A day to remember the past, to correct the present and to envision our European future of solidarity and respect of all human lives.
Our Borders Towns and Islands Network
Strengthened networks of border towns and islands for equal opportunities, poverty reduction, gender equality and sustainable development
The Border Towns and Island Network allows border towns and islands to host migrants in solidarity and dignity, improving the human conditions of migrant people hosted but keeping in the focus also the need of local people and communities hosting. It is a network of actors that want to strengthen the voice of those territories and act to improve policies at all levels and the lives of any human being in their community. It collects the voices, experiences, needs and priorities of both local citizens and migrants hosted in their communities at EU borders.
Project: Snapshots From The Borders
Snapshots From The Borders is a 3-year project co-funded by the European Union (EuropeAid DEAR budget line), run by 35 partners, border Local Authorities and Civil Society organisations. The project aims to improve the critical understanding of European, national and local decision makers and of public opinion about global interdependencies determining migration flows towards European borders, in the perspective of reaching SDGs targets, especially SDG 1, 5, 10 11 and 16. Specifically, the project intends to strengthen a new horizontal, active network among cities directly facing migration flows at EU borders, as a way to promote more effective policy coherence at all levels (European, national, local).
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