Life Long Learning Week 2024


The 14th edition of the Lifelong Learning Week will take place from 18-22 November focusing on the overarching topic of “21st century challenges for the teaching profession; a call for system change“, which is the annual theme of the Lifelong Learning Platform for 2024.

More than 20 workshops, events and networking moments will accompany this iconic event as we explore the needs and challenges of educators today. Topics will range from digital competences, to the question of neutrality, issues of representativeness in decision-making to working conditions, and from teachers in formal settings to all other sorts of educators, this LLLWeek promises to deliver!

One highlight? Our EU Lifelong Learning Stakeholders’ Forum, on the afternoon of Monday 18 November, will assess the Erasmus+ programme and its ability to be inclusive and support all learners on their lifelong learning journey.

Do not miss out! Head over to the LLLWeek main page, browse all events and register for as many as you wish!

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