(with the participation of Friends of Earth Europe, SDG Watch Europe, CEEweb for Biodiversity)
10th April – 12.30 – European Parliament – JAN4Q2
Social Inclusion / Democracy in Europe / Economy and Sustainability / Trade Policies
Progressive Caucus invites you to an open discussion with representatives from more than 250 NGOs. MEPs and civil society representatives will discuss on convergences towards a new vision for Europe. The basis of the discussion will be Progressive Caucus’s Missing Scenario for Europe and the NGO’s 6th Scenario: Sustainable Europe for its Citizens. For external accreditations please send an email to the progressivecaucusep@gmail.com.
The Progressive Caucus is a space of dialogue based on confidence-building and open debate. Ιts aim is to analyse differences and build bridges between progressive allies in the European Parliament and across Europe. It has been established by progressive MEPs of different political groups and is open to everyone in the community of the European Parliament standing for solidarity, democracy, social justice and sustainability. In the Progressive Caucus participate MEPs from the S&D, the Greens/ EFA and the GUE/ NGL groups.