Agenda 2030 Working Group


Established in January 2016, the Finish Agenda 2030 Working Group evolved from development-oriented post-2015 Task Force in Finland, with the intention of broadening the membership to other sectors. It was originally set up by Kehys and Kepa , both development platforms (now merged and called Fingo).


The group is very informal. Meeting hosts used to rotate but Fingo is now acting as coordinator. There is no formal procedure to join or leave the group.

Additional Information

This working group has been able to influence both the national 2030 Agenda implementation plan and the monitoring framework (a set of national sustainaible development indicators).

Membership Information

Number:  at least 42.

Global Justice and development, Environment , Climate justice , Tax Justice,  Transparency and the fight against corruption, Human rights, Feminist /Women rights defenders/ Gender discrimination, Refugees and migration, Youth, Trade Unions, Social, Disabilities and inclusion.

Main benefits for members:
Information sharing and leverage in advocacy.

Further Information

Rilli Lappalainen:

The information of this working group is shared through other existing websites. Example here.

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