By Elisabeth Staudt, German NGO Forum on Environment and Development
In June, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung (FUE)/German NGO Forum on Environment and Development took advantage of the wonderful weather and the upcoming football world championship to try out new creative approaches to engage citizens on the Sustainable Development Goals. On June 8th the team of FUE was part of a charity run in Berlin. The run is a tradition for many Berlin based companies, but also for government officials. Over 5.000 teams participate in the event. FUE designed and printed different running jersey (themed as “SDG Ninja Turtles), raising awareness for different sustainability challenges in Germany and around the world. Another format that tried to get the public more interested in the topic of SDGs and sustainability was a pub quiz, which focused on the role of Germany as a perceived sustainability champion. With questions like “Which beverage consumes more water in its productions: Beer or wine?” the quiz aimed at highlighting our responsibility in unsustainable practices and political decision-making. Both activities were very well received and hopefully be repeated in the next months.
For more information please contact: Elisabeth Staudt, Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung Germany,
The German Forum on Environment & Development was founded on December 12th 1992 after the UN conference on Environment and Development (“Rio“). Its purpose is to coordinate German NGOs in international political processes on sustainable development. The NGO Forum on Environment and Development maintains contacts with organizations from developing countries and organizes with international organizations for joint actions. It supervises the international work that continues to run at UN level after on environment and development. One of its main purposes is to make the German public aware of the connection between environment and development and to insist on a change of the current wasteful economy and lifestyle of industrial countries since they deprive millions of people, especially in southern countries, of the basis of their existence.