United Nations adopts ground-breaking Pact for the Future to transform global governance

By ASviS

The Summit of the Future was held on 22 and 23 September at the United Nations headquarters in New York. During this high-level event, the UN Member States, including Italy, adopted the “Pact for the Future”, the “Declaration on Future Generations” and the “Global Digital Compact”.

Covering a range of issues from nuclear disarmament to climate change, and human rights to digitalization, the Pact for the Future contains 56 actions. According to the United Nations, it is the most significant international agreement in recent years. ASviS Scientific Director, Enrico Giovannini, also noted that the approved documents are a step forward on the road to sustainable development.

The Pact was created with the aim of strengthening cooperation between countries and intensifying efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. These remain key reference points for guiding political, economic, and social decisions at both the international and national levels.

The road to achieving these Goals is certainly not without challenges, and ASviS will soon take stock of the delays and progress of the 2030 Agenda in Italy and Europe with the presentation of its ninth Report, on 17 October in Rome, which will also be live-streaming. Among other analyses, the Report will include, among other analyses, scenarios for the SDGs in 2030.

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