Session III : All for a Better World, but All Fragmented?
By Civil Society Europe
Co-organised with Civil Society Europe, SOLIDAR and Fundacja na rzecz Collegium Polonicum, the European Civic Forum invites you to join in Session III of #EuropeanCivicAcademy 2021!
This session will focus on the theme of Convergence: “All for a better world, but all fragmented?” and will take place on Wednesday, 27 October, from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m (CET) online.
The key issues to be tackled by both civil society activists and academic researchers are:
⇒ Is convergence of democratic agendas the best path to systemic change? How to prevent from creating hierarchies of needs, issues and fights? Are there any attempts to connect/unite thematic agendas, to overcome fragmentation? What obstacles do they face? What can we learn from experiences of mutual contamination and convergence?
⇒ What are the relations between movements, organised civil society and other forms of democratic activism – conflict-cooperation, trust/mistrust? How are the different actors discussing this issue? Does this dialectic contribute to any contamination, debate or change between different concepts and practices towards a better world?
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to share your input in this event!
For more information on the programme, click here.
Registration link: